Born in 1983, she graduated in 2009 from the Ecole nationale des arts décoratifs (ENSAD) – School of decorative arts of Paris.
Alice makes relatives pose to photograph them and then paint them. For her last set « La Confusion » – « Confusion », she engaged a reflection on confusion between genders and feelings by playing on visual confusion. This diptych set evokes couple experience, impossible bodies’ appropriation and language of skin and moving materials. In Plessix-Madeuc, Alice wants to work on backgrounds and to open the frames of her paintings that she has not worked on yet.
She is supported by Iris Levasseur, professor at the the Ecole nationale des arts décoratifs (ENSAD) – School of decorative arts of Paris and also artist-painter.

“Zacharie, Fabien”, acrylic on canvas

“Marine, Fabienne, Rose, Sofia”, acrylic on canvas