Art and involvement 2
The second half of the 20th century was marked with many kinds of political, religious, societal and environmental events. Artists are as concerned as their eldest with this period; their involvement is above all individualistic. We will not deal with the second part of this thematic with a chronological rhythm but in the light of...

Art and involvement 1
Since very early times, artists have taken part and still take part in numerous battles caused by human madness. The two conferences programmed for this semester 2015 answer our will not to remain deaf to the current stir and turmoil. These conferences prove the commitment of artists through their works, whatever form this commitment takes....

Jean-Michel Alberola, the exploded beauty
(Français) Apparue au début des années 80, l'œuvre de Jean-Michel Alberola s'est très tôt définie à l'aune d'un regard sur l'histoire de l'art dans une approche savante et cultivée...

Jean Dubuffet, for a Art Brut
(Français) igure majeure d’une histoire de l’art de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) a constitué une œuvre singulière, tant figurative qu’abstraite, expérimentant et remettant en permanence en question formes, matériaux et techniques...

Giuseppe Penone, arte natura
(Français) Figure majeure de l’arte povera, [...] Giuseppe Penone développe une œuvre toute entière adossée aux forces de la nature...

Auguste Rodin, “Monument à Balzac”, 1890 – 1898
In 1890, Auguste Rodin was commissioned by the Société des Gens de Lettres – the Society of literary men to erect a monument honoring Balzac. This initiative, that required eight years, is, for several reasons, one of the major events of history modern sculpture. First of all because a lot is at stake given the...

La question du modèle
Meeting with Philippe Cognée, painter and support of one of the residence artists. After a presentation of the work and the approach of the artist, public interview with him on the question of model, his use of photography, video and Internet …

Edouard Manet, “Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe”, 1863
For a reflection on modernity and even on the concept of contemporary art, the aim of this conference is to deeply analyze the painting of Manet to grasp its innovator character. Beyond this analysis, we will do our utmost to assert its critical fortune until the most contemporary art.

Jean-Michel Basquiat : the speech et the rage
The work of Jean-Michel Basquiat above all else owes its plastic qualities to the practice of graffiti. However, the relation of Basquiat to writing is complex, quite old and goes beyond the only notion of underground. Born in 1960, dramatically disappeared in 1988, the artist made a very personal style powerful as much by its...

The writing, the word, the text
From Middle Age phylacteries to the more radical conceptual propositions including all forms of tagged inscriptions, with information or storytelling purposes, there are many works of arts that include writing, word or text, or even make it their material or the medium of their message. Contemporary glance at a form of persistent and forecasting communication...

Louise Bourgeois, Joan Mitchell, Niki de Saint Phalle
Three adventures of creation, singular and different, led by remarkable women who have been able to establish themselves in the world of art that is still led by men. Individual mythology, committed gestural painting and sculpture are their respective medium of each of them to develop a work that echo the concerns of the vanguards...

The New Realism
Searching for space beyond reality, seven years were enough for Yves Klein to brand himself as a reference of art in the 20th century. Older than 84, Jacques Villeglé has not said his last word yet … Mangled posters, huge spray painting on canvas, writings on slates and walls, drawings and engravings that prove his endless...