Born in Toulouse in 1982, he lives in Paris. He graduated in 2007 from the Ecole nationale des beaux-arts (ENSBA) – National school of fine arts summa cum laude. His works are exposed at the gallery Nathalie Obadia in Paris and at the gallery Bourouina in Berlin. In 2010, he participated in the exhibition « Dynasty » at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris and also in the Foire international d’art contemporain (FIAC) – Paris international art fair.
He is supported by François Boisrond, professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts (ENSBA) – National higher school of fine arts of Paris).

“Sans Titre”, oil on canvas – 225 x 350 cm (detail)

“Sans Titre”, oil on canvas – 116 x 170 cm

“Sans Titre”, oil on canvas – 116 x 170 cm

“Sans Titre”, oil on canvas