Born in 1982, she graduated from the Ecole européenne supérieure des beaux arts (EESAB) – European higher school of fine arts in Quimper. She lives and works in Nantes. During her residence in the Ateliers du Plessix-Madeuc, Charuwam means to explore the surrounding areas to carry on the research she started on the space of color and light. She will first make a research work on photos and videos and then she will make paintings and drawings related to the place.

p01 - Sans titre, 2014, Crayon sur papier fabriano 300g 75x100 cm

“Sans titre”, pecil on paper – 75 x 100 cm

p09 - Sans titre, 2014, Aquarelle sur papier fabriano 300g 100x150 cm

“Sans titre”, wataercolour on paper – 100 x 150 cm


“Sans titre”, stained glass windows and nylon – 90 x 15 x 340 cm